34 writing prompts for poets

Hi everyone, I hope you’re all well and having a great day!

If you’re interested in writing poetry, or you’re a poet with Writer’s Block, then this post is for you!

If poetry isn’t your thing, you could always use these prompts to inspire other writing projects like short stories or essays.

Here are thirty four awesome poetry prompts to try now:

  • What does your favourite colour taste like?
  • An invisible ghost writes a letter to you. What do they say?
  • Write about a holiday from childhood that stands out
  • Write about a place you never want to visit again
  • Write about a strange dream that you’ve had
  • Write about something that makes you feel angry
  • Write about a lesson you recently learnt
  • Write a poem about friendship
  • What are you most scared of? Write a poem about your fears
  • Write a poem about your life from the perspective of an animal (like a cat)
  • Write a poem about a monster who is scared of the child living under his bed
  • Write about fireworks on New Year’s Eve
  • Write a poem dedicated to your mother
  • Write about the amazing feathers on a peacock
  • Write a fantasy poem with interesting creatures
  • Write a poem to your future self
  • What do you think the earth looked like before people lived in it?
  • Write a poem from the perspective of a character in a fairy tale

  • Write a poem about your best friend, or somebody you’ve lost
  • Write a poem about your favourite book
  • Write a poem from the perspective of ballet shoes
  • Imagine that you are stuck with your worst enemy in an elevator for one hour. What do you do or talk about?
  • Write about raindrops pounding on the windows
  • Write a poem about a villain from a popular fairy-tale and retell the story from the villain’s perspective

  • Write a poem about a wild animal
  • Write a poem that contains a surprising twist
  • Write a poem about hunger
  • Write about being alone
  • Imagine you’re taking a walk by the beach. What can you smell, hear or see?
  • Write about something you don’t want to do and what you’d rather do

  • Write a poem using the words: Water, sparkle, barking, red
  • Write a poem using the words: Soaring, mission, mirror, truth
  • Imagine you’re taking a hike through the galaxy
  • Write a poem about life in a travelling circus

Let me know if you try any of these prompts, and I’d love to check them out and read what magical stories and poems you have penned down!

You can comment the link to your poems in the comments section below, or you can even send me your work via email: phoenix@penable.net

Stay safe,

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