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Alternative ways to plan a story

Good day to everyone! My name is Lottie and I’m going to start writing some articles for this blog!  Personally, I am a plantster when I write, which means I do some planning, but struggle to create a fully fleshed out plan before I start writing. For my first blog, I thought I would introduce…

34 writing prompts for poets

Hi everyone, I hope you’re all well and having a great day! If you’re interested in writing poetry, or you’re a poet with Writer’s Block, then this post is for you! If poetry isn’t your thing, you could always use these prompts to inspire other writing projects like short stories or essays. Here are thirty…

Writing effective dialogue

If you want to write a book then you must learn how to write dialogue effectively, which fortunately, is pretty easy. I know a writer who set herself to the challenge of writing a novel with no dialogue in it, but I’m assuming that you want your book to have dialogue, so let’s dive in!…

Writing POVs

POV stands for ‘Point Of View’ and it is one of the most important aspects of your story. There are three points of view that I’m sure you’re familiar with. In first person point of view, your MC (main character) is narrating the story. You can write a story in first person using the pronoun…

Writing great first lines

Do first lines matter? Are they so important that we need to work hard and polish them till they gleam? Great first lines will draw the reader in, intrigue them and make them want to know more. So yes, of course they’re important. Take a look at the first line of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit. “In…


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